Offer publication date:


Bora Bora

od 1399 PLN/os


For how much?

8 dni

Tour price

od 1399 PLN/os

SHOCK! Total shock what an offer we’ve managed to create! A trip for a full two weeks to French Polynesia in the winter holidays of 2025, with Valentine’s Day hooked up and attention to stay in a cottage on the water in a resort hotel in Bora Bora for a cosmic 13999 PLN per person. You will be staying exactly in the cottages you see in the title photo. The price is unearthly, unheard of anywhere. We have analyzed many different offers and have not found such a long stay at this price and still with a stay in a cosmically expensive (usually) hotel on Bora Bora. In the price you will have all flights, sightseeing of 3 islands, hotels and transfers. Departure naturally from Poland, whole 2 weeks on the spot and a stay in a cottage on the water in Bora Bora during Valentine’s Day – so if you are planning an engagement / anniversary / birthday or any other celebration, this offer is a dream come true. There is no better travel destination with such crystal clear water. We have been there 10 times, so we serve you with full knowledge. Listen to what the city has in store for you:

szczegóły oferty:


  • Trasa: Gdańsk – Papeete – Gdańsk 
  • Czas podróży: 28h (2 przesiadka) – mega szybko jak na Polinezję Francuską 
  • Bagaż: bagaż podręczny 10 kg na osobę (rejestrowany +1250 PLN za osobę)
  • Godziny lotu: wylot 6:20, powrót 7:50


  • 5 nocy bez wyżywienia w hotelu na wyspie Moorea – Linareva Moorea Beach Resort (możliwość dopłaty 600 PLN za osobę do lepszego Moorea Sunset Beach – przy samej plaży) 
  • 2 noce bez wyżywienia w hotelu na wyspie Bora Bora – główna wyspa hotel Oa Oa Lodge (możliwość dopłaty 600 PLN za osobę do lepszego hotelu Maitai Polynesia Bora Bora – przy samej plaży ze śniadaniami)
  • 2 noce ze śniadaniami w hotelu 5* resortowym na motu Bora Bora – Hotel Intercontinental Thalasso Resort & Spa – słynny domek na wodzie (możliwość dopłaty 800 PLN za osobę do najlepszego hotelu na Bora Bora – Four Seasons Bora Bora – też domek na wodzie) – termin 13-15 lutego 
  • 2 noce bez wyżywienia w hotelu na wyspie głównej Tahiti – Tahiti Airport Motel – dobra baza wypadowa na zwiedzanie wyspy 


  • transfer z lotniska Tahiti na Moorea – minibus do centrum + prom na wyspę
  • lot lokalnym samolotem na trasie Moorea – Bora Bora – Tahiti – loty po 40-50 minut, bezpośrednie, z Moorea na Bora Bora przed południem, z Bora Bora na Tahiti wieczorem (zatem w resorcie macie pełne 3 dni – od rana do wieczora)
  • transfer lokalnym promem z lotniska Bora Bora na główna wyspę
  • transfer łódka hotelową do resortu na Bora Bora i z powrotem na lotnisko 

All this for a brilliant 13999 PLN per person for the dates February 5-19, 2025. Of course, other hotels are available – you can do a super hotel also in Tahiti and Moorea, but in our experience Tahiti and Moorea are visited, and you relax on Bora Bora and there the hotel must be first class, and this offer includes just such hotels. This is also our cheapest offer, which includes a stay at a resort in Bora Bora. The cost of air tickets to Polynesia at this point is 4500 PLN per person roundtrip, and the cost of the resort hotel itself is 4700 PLN per person with breakfasts for 2 nights. Other costs include the remaining hotels and transfers. Interested?

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  1. The price of the trip is calculated assuming two adults are traveling.
  2. Do you want to go alone or with your family? Write on priv and we will create a suitable calculation for such a trip.
  3. Remember that the price is current at the moment and may change after some time.

How to personalize the offer?

Would you like to change something in this trip plan? Then you choose the offer option. And if you want to get an idea of how we operate, take a look at our FAQ page. If you have any questions, write to [email protected].

about us, are travel advisors helping you look for bargain airline flights, budget hotels and transfers. In accordance with the Law of November 24, 2017 on tourist events and related travel services, our company does not act as a tour operator. We do not sell airline tickets, accommodations, transfers. We only help you search for them and independently (on your own) organize and book them. The published trip proposal is therefore a trip completely on your own. Remember that the prices of the presented trips are subject to change at any time.

Do you have questions?

We are here to help you with any issue related to your trip. Write to us and we will answer all your questions and help you organize your dream trip.

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